
Welcome back to our weekly #MyFavoritePhoto blog series. This Thursday, we are joined by Kara A. as she tells her story of her once in a lifetime trip to Iceland. Picture Keeper’s goal is to help others create and capture priceless memories, which is exactly what Kara did! Here’s her story:

1. Name: Kara Adams

2. Where are you from?: Birmingham, AL

3. When was this photo taken?: January 2017

4. Where was this photo taken?: Selfoss, Iceland

5. Tell us about why you chose this as your favorite photo: ”This is the only time I wasn’t concerned about taking good photos on my trip. I was having too much fun. It was such a cool experience to be surrounded by friendly horses. (But luckily my boyfriend still had his camera ready.)”

6. What do you want to remember about this photo?: ”I was scared the entire time about trespassing onto somebody’s property. I stood from afar until finally I decided to walk across a log to get to this giant horse pasture. I’m so glad I did. It was the highlight of my trip. “

7. What memories does the photo bring back to you?: ”This was our last full day in Iceland. The whole time we were taking pictures, but sometimes forget to enjoy the moment. The sun finally came out for a few minutes for the first time since we had been there. It’s crazy how much a little bit of sun can lift your spirits.”

8. If you could choose one word to describe this photo, what would that word be?: “Blissful”

9. Lastly, how would you feel if you lost this photo?: ”It would be a huge loss. Having a photo of yourself hanging out with some horses in the middle of Iceland isn’t something I could ever get back. We actually had to use my Picture Keeper to back up photos because I kept filling up my phone and had no service to back up to the drive. It was a life saver. I would have missed taking a lot of photos if I hadn’t had it.”

Check out more photos from Kara’s trip:

Memories like this are priceless and can NEVER be replaced! Picture Keeper Connect gives you the ability to save these memories and hold them close to you, at all times. It is our priority to help you protect the precious memories that you make, and to prove it to you, we are offering our #MyFavoritePhoto readers a special discount. Use code MYFAVEPHOTO at online check out and enjoy 40% off as our gift to you!

Making memories doesn’t cost a lot, and neither should saving them. Share your favorite story with us for a chance to be featured on the #MyFavoritePhoto weekly blog series. Submit your photo and story to marketing@picturekeeper.com and receive a special offer. We love hearing your stories!